I started to do this several years ago, but simply didn’t have the time to adequately pursue it. It was to be my online soapbox. Like most people, I have long held certain beliefs that I do not see reflected in my elected officials, be they local, state, or federal. Very often, it has nothing to do with politicians at all, but rather the John and Jane Q. Public around me.
I see and hear what passes for news stories these days and it drives me nuts. How can these people do the things they do and still profess to represent the people of the United States of America? How can the people of this country continue to elect these idiots? How can the media be so one-sided and biased in their reporting? How can people in general do some of the things they do?
These things we see are the flaws inherent in the system of a democratic republic such as we have. How can they be overcome? I think I have a simple and effective answer: me. Don’t get me wrong; I have absolutely no intention of actually “taking over.” I happen to admire the US Constitution. It is one of the most magnificent documents ever written. I just wish our government felt the same way. If I were in charge, though, things would most assuredly be different.
Sometimes it seems like I am one of the few right-thinking individuals left on this planet. This Blog will be a record of my solutions to some of the more ridiculous problems that we face in this modern life of 2009 and beyond. With some of them you might agree, with others possibly not. Either way, they will surely make you think. In the end, I couldn’t possibly hope for more than that.
I see and hear what passes for news stories these days and it drives me nuts. How can these people do the things they do and still profess to represent the people of the United States of America? How can the people of this country continue to elect these idiots? How can the media be so one-sided and biased in their reporting? How can people in general do some of the things they do?
These things we see are the flaws inherent in the system of a democratic republic such as we have. How can they be overcome? I think I have a simple and effective answer: me. Don’t get me wrong; I have absolutely no intention of actually “taking over.” I happen to admire the US Constitution. It is one of the most magnificent documents ever written. I just wish our government felt the same way. If I were in charge, though, things would most assuredly be different.
Sometimes it seems like I am one of the few right-thinking individuals left on this planet. This Blog will be a record of my solutions to some of the more ridiculous problems that we face in this modern life of 2009 and beyond. With some of them you might agree, with others possibly not. Either way, they will surely make you think. In the end, I couldn’t possibly hope for more than that.